Other Student Resources
Britannica School
Contact the campus librarian for username and password.
Bus Rules
Career Cruising
Career Cruising is an online career guidance and planning system.
Common Sense Digital Compass
DreamBox Math
DreamBox is an adaptive learning program that helps all students achieve better, faster math proficiency.
DreamBox school code for iPad: pw92/2y8v (click for iPad instructions)
Legends of Learning Science Games
Math Online Textbook
Pearson Success Net
Pearson Success Net is the online component to the literature textbooks.
Reflex Math
Rosetta Stone
Science Online Textbook
ShowMe 6th Grade Math
Students can watch teacher-created tutorial videos.
Skyward Student Access
Students can access grades and attendance. See your classroom teacher for account information.
Social Studies Online Textbook
Contact the campus librarian for username and password.
Technology Acceptable Use Policy