Dress Code
- Clothing containing offensive slogans, symbols, gang colors or connotations, and other suggestive or controversial designs that, in the principal's judgment, may reasonably be expected to cause disruption of or interfere with normal school operation is prohibited. (Refer to Gangs and Gang Activity, pg 51.)
- Clothing depicting alcohol, drugs, tobacco products or violence is prohibited.
- Startling, unusual, or immodest attire of any sort shall not be permitted. Hair must be kept neat and clean. This includes fads in hairdos, unnatural colored hair, i.e. spiked hair or Mohawks, clothing, or anything designed to attract attention to the individual or to disrupt the orderly conduct of the classroom or campus.
- The following are unacceptable as outer wear: spandex pants/shorts, see-through or net clothing, clothing designed with bare midriffs, halters, or bare backs or shoulders (examples may be tank tops, halter tops, sundresses, “spaghetti strap” type of top), mutilated clothing, or clothing exposing or intended to expose undergarments.
- Leggings must be worn under pants with holes. The fingertip rule for leggings also applies to shorts, dresses and skirts. Leggings may not be worn as outerwear.
- Sunglasses, hats, caps, skull caps or du-rags are not to be worn by students inside the campus building or classrooms. When approved by campus administration, caps must be worn with the brim facing forward.
- Shoes must be worn at all times.
- Gauges/Spacers, eyebrow, nose, lip, or other facial piercings are prohibited.
- Any item/article confiscated by school officials may be kept until the last day of school or until released to a parent/guardian. If not retrieved, these items may be donated to charity.
- Undergarments must not be worn as outerwear or visible. Pajamas or house shoes are prohibited.
- Tattoos that are determined by campus administration to be vulgar, offensive or gang related or connotations that are controversial or suggestive must be covered.
- Students are required to wear their identification cards with an approved lanyard at all times including extracurricular and school-related events. Students are prohibited from using another student’s ID.
- The first lanyard will be provided at no cost. Replacement lanyards are provided at a cost of $1.25 each.
- The first identification tag is free. At LJHS, students will be provided with two free ID tags. Replacement identification tags can be purchased at the school office for $3. AT LHS & MLCC, only one ID will be provided for free.
- Shirts must have sleeves.
- Facial hair must be neatly trimmed and natural color.
- Un-tucked shirts may not extend beyond the tips of the fingers and may not be folded or curled under to give the appearance of being tucked in.
- Pants must be worn at the waist.
- Dresses, skirts, and walking shorts must be of such length as to allow the student to participate in all regular school activities and maintain modesty and dignity. Dresses, skirts, and walking shorts shall be no shorter than fingertip length. Pants and shorts must not be too tight and immodest.
- No cleavage is to be visible.
- Shoulder straps on blouses and shirts must be at least 2 inches wide. Sleeveless shirts, tank tops or jerseys with wide openings at the sleeves must wear an undershirt that meets dress code.